While the national juvenile arrest rate has dropped by more than 70 percent since its peak in the mid-1990s, an estimated 100,000 Texas children between the ages of 10 and 17 are arrested or referred to the juvenile probation system each year. The majority of juvenile crimes occur at school.

The juvenile legal system moves quickly, much more so than for adults. Once you are contacted by police and told your child is in custody at a juvenile processing office or being investigated for a crime, it is imperative you call a defense attorney who can advise your family. Juveniles are given the option of making a written or recorded confession, and you want a lawyer from BRCK Criminal Defense Attorneys there. Children are sometimes coerced into making statements that implicate them; they may be frightened by probation officers and judges and do not understand their rights. We will ensure their rights are protected according to law and that the best course of action is chosen.

  • Assault
  • Drug and alcohol violations
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Curfew and loitering
  • Vandalism
  • Shoplifting
  • Social media harassment
  • Possession of a weapon


Within 48 hours of being detained, a juvenile must appear in front of a juvenile judge or magistrate for the determination of whether they will be released to their family or detained for up to two more weeks. BRCK Criminal Defense Attorneys can put your child in the best possible position to secure their release from the juvenile detention facility.


The State of Texas gives children an opportunity to atone for their actions and improve their decision-making after committing a crime. That is why juvenile criminal records remain sealed unless a child is required to register as a sex offender or their charges escalate to the adult level.
A juvenile can be referred to the first offender program, which may require restitution to any victim(s), community service, counseling, or vocational training. Once completed, their case will not be passed on to the juvenile court. BRCK Criminal Defense Attorneys can pursue this option for your child when appropriate so they can learn from this experience and go on with their life.


When law enforcement decides a juvenile suspect does not qualify for the first-time diversionary program, the case is referred to juvenile court. In this instance, BRCK Criminal Defense Attorneys can request a deferred contract, which sets probation conditions similar to the first-time offender program.

For more serious crimes, including sexual offenses and other felony charges, we are prepared to serve as your child’s legal advocate throughout all related hearings and court proceedings. We will vigorously work to attain the most favorable outcome possible, whether through reduced charges via negotiated plea agreement or at trial.